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ezW2Correcdtion is approved by SSA to print W2C and W3C on white paper. Our vendor ID: 1335. When you print W2C copy A and W3C on white paper for SSA return, you will see our vendor ID on forms.

You can find SSA approval document here
Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution 
Dear valued customer,

Thank you for your interest in our software. ezW2Correction software can print W-2C (copy 1, 2, A, B, C and D) AND w-3C on white paper. SSA-approved.

If you prefer pre-printed forms, it can also fill W2C and W3C data on pre-printed forms too.

Feel free to download and test it for compatibility. We have added the link below for your convenience.


If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
Do I still need to purchase W2C W3C forms with your software? Will IRS accept the forms printed on white paper?

